Most Boys & Girls Clubs donors fail realize the extent of the problem its members face. The BGCs do so many things, it’s hard to keep them all straight or talk about them without sounding like a grant proposal. The entire brand – its website, collateral, direct mail, email and messaging – was trying to say too much but not saying much of anything.
We found a simple, creative idea – the whole child concept – and used it throughout the work to break down the important services and impact of the clubs in human terms. The Clubs are here for heads/academics, hearts/emotional support, arms/service, legs/athletics.
We developed a full campaign – including new beautiful photography, compelling collateral and direct mail, interesting email templates and a new, intuitive website combined with an honest video tells it how it is: life without the Clubs (grim) and life with the Clubs (hopeful). Infographics, great designed combined with writing worth reading repositions the Clubs to win hearts and minds.
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