Saying “Yes And…” to Social Media

Saying “Yes And…” to Social Media

Say “Yes, And!” to Social Media

In improv comedy there is a philosophy which allows actors to move gracefully through scenes despite not actually knowing what the other person might say next. It’s the philosophy of “Yes, And!”

What this means is that no matter what a scene throws at you, you accept it as it is (in other words, you say “yes”) and then you add something to it.

Agreeing and then adding your own thoughts is a great tool to facilitate any conversation. As such, it also works in social media. This is because social media, at its most basic, is just a way of communicating with people. So ask yourself, how do you other people perceive you when you speak to them?

Be a Charming Dinner Guest

The basics of successful Inbound Marketing are similar to that of a dinner party. You don’t interrupt people, you don’t walk away in the middle of a conversation, and if you open your mouth to speak, you should make sure you have something worthwhile to offer.

Chances are, you already know most of your conversational strong points. Maybe you’re seen as naturally charming because you have a lot of entertaining stories. Maybe you’re full of little-known facts, or maybe you are patient and enjoy listening to others. Whatever your strong suit, you probably don’t over-complicate things by trying too hard. You just… talk. And so far, it’s worked for you.
In social media, as in life, we speak when we have something worthwhile to say. Nothing is more cringe-worthy than someone talking just to hear the sound of their own voice. That’s why Inbound Marketing focuses mainly on useful (and therefore hopefully viral) content.

Now, what do you have to tell people that is actually useful?


Citizen Journalist

One of the more useful aspects of social media is that we hear from smaller voices that normally would not have a platform. These important voices are often on the front lines of experiences in marginalized areas. They report on everything from natural disasters to tiny local events. People enjoy sharing this information because they often have no other way to learn about these things.

So ask yourself, what you are on the front lines of? Can you use Facebook Live to broadcast an important seminar or a luncheon? If you’re at a convention, are you Tweeting (and if so, are you using the correct hashtag)? Do you utilize Instagram to show people the human side of your company or is it just marketing jargon and ads?

We all have access to some bit of information that no one else has access to. The trick is figuring out what that is. In the end, only you know.

Sharing is Caring!

And once you figure out what information you have exclusive access to, ask a Copywriter to help you find the best way to share it.Make sure that your Social Media Manager knows how to interact with others in a genuine and caring manner. Never put anyone else down for their viewpoints on the things you have shared. Set up a content calendar and make sure that everyone is on the same page as far as what information is going out at what times.

And when people start to respond to you, always say “Yes, And!” to keep the conversation going.



What is ‘Good’ Web Design?

“Design cannot rescue failed content.”
Edward R. Tufte, Design Guru

What is the definition of good design? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Does it win awards and accolades? Is it on the bleeding edge of technology, showing everyone you’re savvier than the competition?

Or, is good design undefinable? Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

It may surprise you to learn that good design is not actually subjective. According to top designers at the World Economic Forum in 2009, it means that something works efficiently.

That is to say, if your site looks beautiful but is difficult to navigate, that’s bad web design. If your website layout is logical but the blinking typography makes people’s eyes bleed, that’s bad design.

Bad design means a high bounce rate. It means people aren’t interested in spending any more time on your website than they absolutely need to. It’s a big red X on your brand.

The Four Elements Of Good Design

In our first blog post, we talked about why having a great website is so important to your business. In this post, we’re focusing on exactly how to make your website great.  We’ve broken it down into four key elements—the building blocks of every successful website.

Be Available
Just like any physical address, if people can’t find you they can’t do business with you. In order to be easily found, you’ll need an SEO expert who can not only analyze your inbound website traffic but offer suggestions on how to improve it.

Be Attractive
As we said in the beginning, good design is about more than aesthetics. With that, it’s also important to have a professional look and feel. You’ll want a seasoned designer who understands how and why people react to different designs.

Be Share-Worthy
You have knowledge to spread. Your blog is something people will benefit from. That’s why you need a professional writer or editor. They are trained nitpickers, and their job is to obsess on tiny details. A professional writer will ensure your important ideas will be properly presented and received.

Be Strategic
You’ve now created the perfect conditions for customer conversion. But what are you converting them to? Andwhy? This is where a marketing specialist should work with you to come up with a bullet proof strategy that makes sense for you.

Don’t Be Content With Mediocre Content
You have a story to tell and your website is like the book that holds that story. Just like publishing a book, there are many different teams which all work in tandem to create a finished product. From designers to writers to technical experts, no one team is an island when it comes to designing quality websites.

YEARONE is an advertising talent collective who can help you redesign your site from a holistic viewpoint. Unlike other design firms, we have years of experience as advertisers and marketers. Actually, we see your website as an extension of our existing marketing efforts. It’s like having two different firms rolled into one.

Want to know more? We talk in detail about all of the above points in our eBook, 25 Website ‘Must Haves’ 

Why is a Great Website So Important to Your Business?

In a word – performance.

Everyone in business learns at some point that first impressions count. This is something we get early on from our parents, teachers, coaches, professors and friends/family who have come before us. And, though true, it doesn’t always translate into a company’s most fundamental communication tool – its website.

Image is important. What you present to the world has to be excellent and work against every possible stakeholder you can think of: suppliers, trading partners, employees, potential employees and family/friends. Anyone and everyone who is associated with and/or important to your business’ success will look at your website. There’s more …

It shows what you do. Showing what you do and presenting it well is no easy task. The home page should present a simple, visual representation of what it is you do. This requires serious design skill, not to mention superb story-telling ability. Remember, the one thought rule pays, and never, ever clutter the homepage with a laundry list of everything you do. It overwhelms the reader.

Your online sales/marketing. A good website can help to move prospects from casual interest to  active engagement. A great website can help strangers become qualified leads. As such, it is essential that everything works in a carefully orchestrated manner. The site’s performance, from navigation/user experience (UX), the site’s look + feel, the story and information offered, the automated functionality – all the way to the CRM, SEO, links, content, imagery, photography, and so on and so on, has to flow.

Quality and expertise. Your site has to ooze quality and expertise. Photography, headlines, copy, content, video, infographics, product – this is your brand and business’ showcase to the world. It must work hard when you’re not there.

It’s yours. Make it count. The good news is that your website is something under your control. While easier today than ever before, designing and writing an effective website remains shrouded in the dark arts of software engineers and developers. No wonder the task is often put-off and/or relegated to the bottom of the  priority list.

We’re going to go out on a limb and make a bold statement. We are good at this – and have all the requisite strategic skill, story-telling ability, amazing design talent and technical proficiency, in abundance.

Attracting strangers and converting them from casual users into advocates – that’s what we do. Great thinking, writing, design, and creativity combined with the power of inbound – that’s how we do it.